OneUConn IT Service Delivery Vision

ITS has been developing a vision for expanding and enhancing service delivery to all UConn campuses.
A key role for ITS is to pursue systems, services, and capabilities that can be best provided centrally and deliver them securely, efficiently, and robustly at scale.  This is a goal that we assert in our strategic plan, defines our concept of central IT services, and guides how we will evolve service delivery for our community.  Like all areas of the institution, ITS faces increasingly constrained resources and has to make choices about resource allocation.  This situation has prompted us to think creatively, collaboratively, and more broadly about how ITS can continue to enact our stated goal for central IT services.  We communicate the foundational concepts of our developing strategy in “OneUConn IT Service Delivery Vision,” available at  I am sharing this vision with the IT community first and welcome your insight and feedback.